07 July 2017
Aspen Pumps has launched the first probiotic cleaners developed specifically for the HVACR sector as part of its new Storm Chemicals range.
The condensate pump and accessories specialist is further broadening its offering to the market, following the recent acquisitions of tool specialist JAVAC and French distributor Salina.
The condensate pump and accessories specialist is further broadening its offering to the market, following the recent acquisitions of tool specialist JAVAC and French distributor Salina.
Aspen chose the name 'because the air feels fresher after a storm’, and says the entire range boasts deep cleaning technology and offers improved Indoor Air Quality, better energy efficiency and fewer service call-outs. Vern Klein, Head of Business Development – Storm Chemicals, said: “We think this is tomorrow’s solution today, and that’s why we are so passionate about this product. “This is an area of the industry that perhaps doesn’t got spoken about as much as it should. But when you look at the benefits, it’s very important. Equipment and technology is constantly changing but that has not always been the case with how we keep it clean. “We are delighted to be able to add an innovative, effective and environmentally friendly deep cleaning solution to our offering. The products are easy to use and ideal for any regular maintenance program, resulting in fewer call backs and improved energy efficiency of equipment.” Technology The Green XL technology in the probiotic products uses ‘good bacteria’ to remove dirt and biofilm deep into the surface of equipment, leaving behind a clean microflora to combat the growth of ‘bad bacteria’. According to Klein, “It’s a bit like giving Yakult to your air conditioning or refrigeration equipment’’. The three Green XL products are Foam Cleaner, a probiotic coil cleaner, Power Clean, a high performance coil cleaner, and Protec protective gel and spray. Green XL is 100% biodegradable, meaning there are no COSHH restrictions for transport, use and storage. The Storm Chemicals range is manufactured in the UK and has been brought to market in under 12 months, despite the level of R&D involved alongside chemists at Green XL in the Netherlands. A partnership arrangement also means that Aspen is able to offer the award-winning Gel-cear condensate drain treatment tablets as part of the range. Storm Chemicals range
www.aspenpumps.com |
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