07 December 2018
Adande Refrigeration’s parent company, Applied Design & Engineering, has competed a live trial of a Sarma Grab & Go cabinet with Aircell at a YO! Sushi restaurant. Designed for convenience retailing, food to go operations and speciality food outlets, the cabinet incorporates shorter, higher integrity air curtains than conventional refrigerated displays, for a marked reduction in cold air spillage from the cabinet, resulting in significantly lower energy consumption for cost savings and narrower temperature bandwidths for improved food quality over extended periods. |
A 1250mm Sarma cabinet with Aircell was installed at the YO! Sushi restaurant in Norwich. During simultaneous monitoring under the same operating conditions, energy consumption of the cabinet with Aircell was measured as 36% less than the restaurant’s existing open front multi deck display. Had the Sarma unit been switched off during non-trading periods with no product in the cabinet, as was the restaurant’s existing cabinet, the adjusted reduction in energy consumption would have been 68%, representing an annual saving of £450, based on a tariff of 9p per kWhr.
YO! Sushi’s facilities manager, Mike Bonaker, said: “Accurate display temperatures within narrow bandwidths are critically important for the display of sushi, due to its pronounced sensitivity to temperature abuse and its relatively short shelf life. The Sarma cabinet with Aircell is helping us maintain fresh product at optimum quality for longer, reducing food wastage. The cabinet’s energy saving characteristics are also helping us meet our commitment to sustainable business practice.”
The fact that there is less chilled air spillage from the cabinet also means that the store environment is more comfortable for customers, which can increase browsing time and promote more purchases. The model also meets retailers’ merchandising requirements. Larger shelves provide increased display area, compared with conventional display cases with similar footprints, ensuring that there is more product on display. This reduces the potential for shelf stock being exhausted and consequent lost sales, especially during periods of peak trading. It also reduces the frequency of restocking.
The larger merchandising capacity aims to allow a broader product range to be displayed, providing customers with a wider meal choice and promoting impulse purchases. Shelf positions are adjustable to meet retailers’ specific display configurations and sloping shelf options are also available.
Applied Design & Engineering’s managing director, Ian Wood, said: “The Sarma Grab & Go cabinet with Aircell possesses all of the convenient and preferred characteristics of the conventional open front refrigerated multi deck. In addition, it provides environmental benefits and food to go focused features, which help operators improve their performance and profitability. ”
YO! Sushi’s facilities manager, Mike Bonaker, said: “Accurate display temperatures within narrow bandwidths are critically important for the display of sushi, due to its pronounced sensitivity to temperature abuse and its relatively short shelf life. The Sarma cabinet with Aircell is helping us maintain fresh product at optimum quality for longer, reducing food wastage. The cabinet’s energy saving characteristics are also helping us meet our commitment to sustainable business practice.”
The fact that there is less chilled air spillage from the cabinet also means that the store environment is more comfortable for customers, which can increase browsing time and promote more purchases. The model also meets retailers’ merchandising requirements. Larger shelves provide increased display area, compared with conventional display cases with similar footprints, ensuring that there is more product on display. This reduces the potential for shelf stock being exhausted and consequent lost sales, especially during periods of peak trading. It also reduces the frequency of restocking.
The larger merchandising capacity aims to allow a broader product range to be displayed, providing customers with a wider meal choice and promoting impulse purchases. Shelf positions are adjustable to meet retailers’ specific display configurations and sloping shelf options are also available.
Applied Design & Engineering’s managing director, Ian Wood, said: “The Sarma Grab & Go cabinet with Aircell possesses all of the convenient and preferred characteristics of the conventional open front refrigerated multi deck. In addition, it provides environmental benefits and food to go focused features, which help operators improve their performance and profitability. ”
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