Logicool gesture warms customer’s heart


17 February 2021

Customer service is a cornerstone of any successful business. It can be difficult to execute, and sometimes it isn't well-received, but the most important thing is that you have taken the time out of your busy schedule to help someone the best you can; blissfully unaware of the impact it may or may not have.


For Karl Richardson, Managing Director of Logicool Air Conditioning & Heatpumps Ltd., the correspondence he sent to one customer would see Mr & Mrs Duffield of St Florence, Pembrokeshire reach out to ACR Journal - complimenting the efforts Karl and his team had taken to apologise for the delay of a spare part delivery.


In a letter to Mr and Mrs Duffield, Karl writes: "I was particularly discussing your situation, and you should not have been left with no heating for that amount of time.  This reflects very badly on my business, and whilst to some, this may have been seen as a low-value item and therefore not important, to me, it is as important as any order.  It is our responsibility to demonstrate a duty of care to clients."


Karl said: "Mr & Mrs Duffield were waiting for a spare part to be supplied to a service engineer so that he could repair their air to water heat pump.  Unfortunately, as with most items recently, there are a lot of delivery delays caused by post-Brexit complications.  Leaving anyone without heating has a significant impact on their lives. While it is easy to brush under the carpet, it is important that we take some responsibility and communicate in the best possible manner.

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"The focus on electrifying domestic heating sources brings with it challenges like these, that we would not be so impacted by in the commercial market.  We need to realise as an industry that minimising response times should be paramount, and manufacturers should be looking to keep localised stock of products and spare parts to achieve this."


With the repair finally complete, the couple received a gift hamper by the Logicool team to further apologise with Mrs Duffield commenting: "They tried everything they could to access the part we needed and were very sympathetic to our plight during some of the coldest weather of the year.  We feel their customer service is second to none and hope that this can be highlighted in your magazine. I would be writing this just on the strength of their service and Karl's letter but must add that the hamper was a wonderful surprise."

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