06 September 2018
Smith Brothers Stores celebrated the official opening of its Newcastle branch with an open day. Special guest Steve Watson, the former Newcastle United player and current Gateshead manager, joined customers and suppliers to enjoy a hog roast, compete on a penalty shoot-out simulator and meet SBS staff including newly appointed branch manager Brian Smith. |
Brian said: "Thank you to all our customers, and suppliers who attended the event. The suppliers were able to showcase their products and had a great day interacting with staff and customers alike. It was great to see some new faces on the day and they all seemed really impressed with the branch and stockholding.”
Suppliers supporting the event included Pegler Yorkshire, Albion Valves, Crane/Hattersley, Potterton/Andrews, Rems, Stelrad, Walraven, Viega, Tube Trade, Kaimann, Sauermann, Advanced Engineering, Flamco, Geldbach, Lowara, Rems Tools, MEP Hire Station, Lowara, Aquatechnik and Polypipe Terrain.
SBS says the new branch has exceeded expectations since opening its doors in March. Director Martin Denton said: “It was wonderful to see such a good turnout and to see our staff interacting with our customers at the new branch in Newcastle. This is a huge testament to the team that Brian has assembled, clearly they are very well respected and liked.''
Suppliers supporting the event included Pegler Yorkshire, Albion Valves, Crane/Hattersley, Potterton/Andrews, Rems, Stelrad, Walraven, Viega, Tube Trade, Kaimann, Sauermann, Advanced Engineering, Flamco, Geldbach, Lowara, Rems Tools, MEP Hire Station, Lowara, Aquatechnik and Polypipe Terrain.
SBS says the new branch has exceeded expectations since opening its doors in March. Director Martin Denton said: “It was wonderful to see such a good turnout and to see our staff interacting with our customers at the new branch in Newcastle. This is a huge testament to the team that Brian has assembled, clearly they are very well respected and liked.''
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