IOR highlights Cool Career opportunities


08 June 2021

As part of celebrations to mark World Refrigeration Day, the IOR will be hosting events dedicated to training and careers designed to ignite the enthusiasm of the next generation of people joining the RACHP industry.

On June 24, the online Cool Careers event will focus on what the IOR and the industry are doing to raise awareness of career opportunities, improve recruitment and training and celebrate success. Participants will hear about the IOR’s plans, exciting initiatives to engage with young people, the latest student research, and top apprentices on their experiences in the sector. The programme will be as follows:
•    Welcome from the IOR president – IOR educational initiatives and the importance of addressing skills shortages for the future of our sector. Mike Creamer FInstR
•    What can we do to recruit the next generation of engineers? Promoting our career to schools and encouraging diversity. John Skelton FInstR, chairman of the IOR Education Committee
•    Supporting the delivery of STEM (science technology engineering maths) in the classroom and how you can become a STEM Ambassador - Jacinta Caden MInstR, STEM Ambassador and member of the IOR Education Committee
•    Three Minute Thesis - Research students from UK Universities present their research in a bid to win the Ted Perry Award
o    Nausheen Basha from City University of London
o    James Bull, University of Portsmouth
o    Mubarak Ismail, London South Bank University
o    Judges: David Bostock, Robert Lamb, Christina Francis & Jolyon Thompson 
•    Why become a RACHP Technician? The UK's best Apprentices and Trainees in conversation
o    Gemma Weston, J&E Hall & Eastleigh College
o    Luke Haile, Lightfoot Defence & Eastleigh College
•    Worldskills UK - a showcase for UK engineering. Mark Forsyth Worldskills  and Chris Baillie former winner of silver in the refrigeration competition at WorldSkills
•    Presentation of the award for Lifetime Achievement by a Service Engineer - and a few words about a life spent in the RACHP industry
•    Presentation to the Winner of the Ted Perry Student Research Prize - and a message for the industry from the winner.
•    Closing remarks from the president

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Cool Careers