Call for cold chain conference abstracts


07 July 2021

The call for abstracts is now open for the 7th IIR International Sustainable Cold Chain Conference, due to take place in Newcastle from April 11-13 next year.

The conference will be a platform to share expertise on the cold chain with developing countries to address key UN sustainable development goals related to hunger, health, energy, education, economic growth, infrastructure, sustainable cities, responsible production, climate action and partnerships. 

It will explore innovation in the cold chain including retail refrigeration, technology and design as well building a sustainable cold chain in developing nations. Abstracts are sought on topics including storage, transportation and logistics, modelling and predictive tools reducing food waste and pharmaceutical cold chain. 

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The conference is expected to attract over 120 delegates and over 60 technical papers. Discounts for authors on the registration fee for the three-day event will be available.

The deadline for submission is October 1 and further details on how to submit an abstract are available here.