A-Gas removes 6 tonnes of R22 from Mauritius


28 June 2023
Recovered R22 in cylinders ready to leave Mauritius

A-Gas South Africa has helped recover six tonnes of R22 removed from two decommissioned systems on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean – a country with no end of life refrigerant solution.

Working with GIZ, a German agency supporting sustainable development around the world, the high ozone depleting HCFC was removed safely from the Mauritius Freeport Development with the help of a portable A-Gas Rapid Recovery system.

A-Gas Group Sustainability and Regulatory Director Ken Logan said: “This was a proactive international collaboration between A-Gas and one of its partners. The recovery of the refrigerant prevented its potential release into the atmosphere. Mauritius is not a country that A-Gas has operations within and the job highlighted the flexibility of the mobile A-Gas Rapid Recovery unit and how, by working closely with customers and partners, lifecycle refrigerant management can prove to be an effective solution.”

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Mauritius Freeport Development is the largest logistics centre in the Indian Ocean – acting as a trade and distribution hub for national and international markets. The recovered R22 was transported by boat back to South Africa for reprocessing.