16 October 2015
AirSource Ventilation, the Eccles-based commercial and industrial heat pump and HVAC systems manufacturer, celebrates its 5th anniversary this month, the company announced this week. |
Dave Clayton, Alex Pinchbeck and Andrew Pinchbeck founded the business in October 2010. They found early success after winning their first order of £250,000 within a month of starting. The founders provide heat pump, ventilation and air conditioning solutions for customers in the healthcare, retail, education and hotel sectors.
Five years on, AirSource Ventilation now has a £4 million turnover and employs 40 people, 1 apprentive and two trainees.
Managing Director, Dave Clayton stated:
Five years on, AirSource Ventilation now has a £4 million turnover and employs 40 people, 1 apprentive and two trainees.
Managing Director, Dave Clayton stated:
"Our reputation has been built on providing engineered solutions to meet current environmental issues. We are continuing to increase capacity and have recently invested £300,000 in machinery and prototype testing."
He continued:
"We are committed to supplying equipment to reduce energy global warming potential (GWP) and are developing products to meet the demands of the latest GWP regulations relating to refrigerant gases."
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