14 August 2017
A specialist hospital in Northumbria is using the Daikin on Site remote monitoring system to help makes sure its operating theatres and wards are available to care for seriously ill and injured patients across the region.
DoS has been developed by the Daikin Applied (UK) (DAPUK) applied chiller engineering design team, working closely with Daikin Applied Service (DAPS UK) to provide a browser-based real-time view of a site’s chiller and AHU operation.
DoS has been developed by the Daikin Applied (UK) (DAPUK) applied chiller engineering design team, working closely with Daikin Applied Service (DAPS UK) to provide a browser-based real-time view of a site’s chiller and AHU operation.
BENEFITS Energy efficiency – up to 20% lower energy cost when unit is controlled and working in an optimised operational envelope, which can only be achieved with real world site working conditions. DoS prevents the risk of uncontrolled and undiscovered energy consumption increase, which may be experienced in case of inadequate system operation. Remote assistance – allowing for faster reaction and better preparation prior to service engineer site attendance, increasing the uptime of the equipment. Alarm – any alarms generated by the unit are emailed to the helpdesk 24 /7, leading to less time to resolve the issue. Breakdown – fault diagnostics can begin before an engineer arrives on site, making sure that the right parts are brought to site. Life expectancy – interaction with the client and adjustment of the chiller configuration together with the smarter service solution will increase the life of the chiller and also avoid unnecessary equipment stress by incorrect operation. Expertise – direct insight into the optimum use of equipment, including advice from a Daikin Applied expert. |
Launched in February, the system is proving successful with end-users and facility management teams, offering greater levels of service through a proactive approach. DoS has been installed at a number of sites throughout the UK and Europe, including Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital in Cramlington.
Opened in 2015, the hospital provides specialist emergency cover for seriously ill and injured patients from across Northumberland and Tyneside. It is England’s first purpose-built specialist emergency care hospital, with emergency consultants on site 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Real-time information The building has three Daikin Applied 1150kW air cooled inverter screw chillers to cope with the demand of the hospital. Due to the critical nature of the building and the need for the water chillers to be available to service operating theatres and wards 24 /7, the hospital trust entered into a maintenance contract with Daikin Applied Service and response times to any potential problems or failures was key to the trust’s decision making. DAPS were able to offer DoS as part the contract, which brought a new dimension in remote monitoring of the chillers. Unlike other remote monitoring solutions, a DoS enhanced chiller (standard feature available on all current generation chillers) is equipped with a LAN address embedded in the controller, once activated with an internet connection the chiller connects to the DoS cloud and begins to send real-time information which is then stored in the cloud. This information can be retrieved by a DAPS technician, remotely enabling review of historical trends or issues. Data logging of real time operating parameters can be done on the fly and this information can be exported into an excel sheet for analysis. Real-time intervention can also be made. In the event of an alarm on the chiller an email is sent to the DAPS service team and the unit can then be accessed by a fully trained technician. The technician can assess the problem, make any resets necessary or adjustments to the controls as required. Alternately they can use the real time history, look at the operating condition of the unit prior to a fault or an alarm occurring and assess what is required to bring the unit back into full operation. DAPS can then dispatch a technician to site with the right parts to give a first fix and bring a failed unit online quickly. Exciting development For the trust this means that response times is now measured in minutes not hours, in fact in most cases when a fault occurs a DAPS technician is already looking at the problem before the customer is aware of an issue. This was put to the test in a recent incident, when a problem occurred on the chiller installation over the holiday period affecting all three units. DAPS were able to identify the cause of the issue, using the real time data and historical data stored in the cloud. With this information, it was possible within a few minutes for the technician to make adjustments to the unit controls to overcome the issue while leaving the units in safe operating condition and advise the client the likely cause of the external problem all without an engineer stepping foot on site. Daikin Applied Service’s National Service Manager Barry Coe said: “Daikin on Site is the most exciting new development in the chiller servicing industry in the last 25 years. It enables us as a service provider to give our customers even faster reaction times, real time advice on improving the system efficiency and prevent issues before they occur. We live in a technological advancing world with ever increasing demands and Daikin on Site will help us to exceed current client expectations taking chiller servicing to new heights.” Profile monitoring The platform also has multiple user roles which can enhance the overall performance of the system. Users can create personalised dashboards so that the customer only sees what is important to their installation and the system becomes second nature in assisting the running an efficient chiller installation onsite. Historical working condition data and alarm history is available for the whole life cycle of the chiller operation at a single click and automated reporting setup is possible to provide tailored reporting for when and where needed. Access to multiple site installations through one web portal is no issue for the DoS solution as the web platform allows users to set up their own site profiles and they can view their own installations anywhere. DoS allows remote monitoring and operation of the chiller equipment both in real time and based on historical trends. This can include energy usage via an energy meter but also includes all operating parameters of the compressor, fans, refrigeration circuits and thermal load. The installation profile monitoring and analysis of the information can result energy saving proposals including Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) for compressors, condenser fan upgrades or improved controls. www.daikinapplied.uk |
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