09 August 2017
Will Pribyl is Business Manager for Green Point UK, the service organisation of compressor manufacturer BITZER, which maintains, overhauls and repairs BITZER compressors, as well as those of other manufacturers. Is there such a thing as a typical day for you? Every day is different, which is one of the attractions and challenges of the job. As with most companies, there is a daily business routine, but we often have unexpected and sometimes surprising requests, which keeps things constantly interesting and unpredictable. |
| What is normally the first thing you do business-wise in the morning? Go around and say good morning to the team, and have a brief chat about the day ahead with Emma, my colleague and key anchor person. What are the three items currently at the top of your To Do list for this week? Finalise terms and conditions with a global supplier to forward upcoming sales orders; coordinate the necessary marketing information with Bitzer headquarters for the UK version of the new global website; and start the process for hiring a sales person for the UK. Looking ahead, what are your strategic priorities for the coming year? Sales, sales and more sales! Amid all the variety and the daily routine, it is the constant drive that underpins everything we do. It’s why we are initiating the recruitment drive, and why it’s high on my list of priorities. How often do you travel? Honestly, not enough. Again, it’s one of the reasons we have taken the decision to employ an additional sales person in 2017, to ensure we raise the profile and see key existing customers and potential customers, so we maintain momentum to build the business. What “makes” your day as a Green Point manager? Seeing an order come in from a new customer. Our retention rate is high, due to the quality of service and the end result we provide, so it can mean much more than just one compressor sale. How much time do you spend on the shop-floor, talking to staff and keeping in touch with the hands-on part of the project progress? It varies, but 40% is probably about right. It’s a key aspect of the job, keeping in touch with projects as they progress and ensuring clear communication throughout the process between all parties, to ensure we deliver for our customer. What is the most satisfying aspect of your job? Getting positive feedback from customers about our compressors and our services. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how well we think we have done; what matters is keeping our promise, on both time and quality, to enable our customer to deliver in turn for their customer. To hear we have helped save the day, helped clinch an order or secure a valuable relationship for a customer, is obviously immensely gratifying. What is the most challenging? For me, time management. Being responsible for most aspects of the business means that you have to use your time carefully. It is very easy to get drawn into with the operational side of things at the expense of the strategic. I guess it is an issue for all business managers. You need to keep a clear eye on and a firm grasp of both, and move forward on both the operational and strategic levels in tandem. How do you lead and inspire your team concerning the central Green Point brand values and philosophy? I hope by example, in everything we do and in the way we behave, towards customers and each other. We’re providing a local offering of a global service. Being the only global remanufacturer in the UK means upholding Bitzer’s exceptional standards of service and approach. It distinguishes us from the competition, and is a gold standard that permeates everything we do. Do you have a suggestions box? I encourage ‘continuous improvement’ and an ‘open door’ approach. Colleagues are encouraged to come forward with new ideas at any time. This has already resulted in an overall increase in the efficiency of our remanufacturing process, and a better understanding of our customer’s needs – which feed into further business success. How important is a good communication with Bitzer HQ in Germany? As mentioned, Green Point is a global business, owned by Bitzer. Being part of this strong and international network offers many advantages and resources, channelled through Bitzer headquarters. Our excellent relationship with colleagues in Europe and elsewhere on a daily basis only furthers and strengthens the Green Point business here in the UK. On average, how many times a week would you talk to colleagues there? We talk on a daily basis. Our range of products and services, as well as the international Green Point network, provide huge potential for sharing information and supporting one another, to the benefit of our customers. Are you currently engaged in any development projects? Yes, our UK Green Point website has been coming to fruition over recent months, and will be constantly developed. We are always looking for new and better ways to connect to our current customers and to new customers as well. Do you have a personal motto or slogan that sums up your approach to work? I actually do: We will always offer a solution to our customers. We never simply say ‘No’. Do you ever make the drinks in the office? Absolutely, if Emma made all the coffee we get through at Green Point, she wouldn’t have time to do her job! |
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