HRS exhibition cancelled


04 August 2020

The Hampshire Refrigeration Society (HRS) 2020 Exhibition, scheduled for September 9 in Southampton, has been cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Demand for the revived regional trade exhibition at the Macdonald Botley Park Hotel had seen spaces sold out within 10 days and the HRS will now work towards staging the event next year.

HRS Chairman John Emm said: "It is with deep regret that we have been advised to cancel our event because of the continuing threat of the pandemic. The race for spaces was overwhelming and we sold out within 10 days, which was fantastic and confirms that this show was indeed wanted in the south.

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"On the plus side, it is our intention to move the show into 2021, but at this point in time no date has been agreed. This was going to be a great opportunity to meet with  existing customers on the south coast and hopefully forge new contacts. The society looks forward to welcoming you to HRS 2021.''

Full refunds will be made to exhibitors who have paid in advance, while the HRS says anyone who has pre-booked rooms should cancel these directly with the hotel.